Circuit Board Cocktail Collar


Photos by Crispin Whittier 2017


As my work tends more toward fine jewelry, I have found my older work to be a source of much-needed inspiration. I used to be able to slip into the ‘flow’ state and play with materials, a feeling which seems to get increasingly challenging to access unless I take good care to keep that muscle active. I have decided to bring you with me as I re-discover some of my favorite experiments and collaborations from the past.


I would like to re-introduce the most spectacular 2018 collaboration with TechWears! An elegant circuitboard cocktail necklace made with timeless metalsmithing techniques and a surprising technological twist. I designed and built the metal structure for the necklace out of brass, and Drew laser cut the recycled circuitboard and finished the necklace with resin. Together we made a small line of rings, and two or three epic collar necklaces similar to this one. This necklace was featured into the 2018 Jewelry and Metals Survey publication (JaMS) of the Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG). See more like it HERE.

